Friday, May 8, 2020

What is Conclusion Sentence?

What is Conclusion Sentence?What is concluding sentence? When you ask this question, your instructor will likely ask you to write it at the end of your English composition. Your professor may even tell you that your paper doesn't make any sense if you don't include a conclusion.There are two points to consider when writing an English composition with a conclusion. First, this is the beginning and the end of the entire essay. Think about your own life and ask yourself whether the sentence you are writing would have ended there without a conclusion.Second, the writer is giving his or her opinion of the topic at hand and concluding a statement. The main purpose of an essay is to provide information, thoughts, or references to the readers.A writer is only responsible for a single sentence. Therefore, this single sentence has to be concise and to the point. Unfortunately, because of a writer's nature, we often make statements that go on, and that's not what a writer should do.What does th e writer want to say to the audience? How does he or she want the audience to take the information? The truth is that most people feel they already know the information they've been given and that's the problem.The writer's goal is to present his or her research or opinion in a way that gets the point across. But what happens often is that the writer will have a conclusion to a paragraph and will then stop himself or herself before proceeding to the next sentence. You can end a sentence anywhere you want, but what the reader wants to know is how you got there.The use of a concluding sentence in an English composition is a natural part of the writing process. The writer starts with a small sentence that contains the information or a point he or she wishes to convey. He or she then proceeds to the end of the sentence and at the end of that sentence comes the statement of the writer's opinion.After completing the sentence, the writer must decide whether to continue or not. If the write r decides to continue, the ending of the sentence might contain information that is new. The ending of the sentence must include a statement of the writer's opinion of the situation.

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